Young World: Think before moving out?

Sometimes an idea sounds so much better in your mind, yet ends up being a train wreck in reality.  Up until now, your parents/guardians have provided you a place to grow, and now you want to be your own man or woman.

Think long and hard before you actually make that decision to leave. Sit down with others older than yourself who can give you wise counsel, even if you don’t want to hear their disappointing warnings. Pray, Plan, and Prepare before moving forward. 

Whatever you do, make sure you leave on excellent terms with your parents/guardians so that you may be welcomed to return in the event things don’t work out as you’d planned.

Dads: See what you say.

It should come as no surprise that when you’re speaking to someone, you should look them in the eyes. Sadly, many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to look anyone in the eyes as a fear of silent intimidation.

This takes practice and is humbling to say the least. Your children will benefit by your ability to demonstrate self control, confidence, and compassion when you communicate with them.

Looking others in the eyes will mean the difference between respect and disconnect in the long run. If you lack the skill to pull this off, then find other honorable men who will be happy to encourage you in this area.

Moms: Draw Your Line in the Sand.

Trusting your instincts is one thing, yet relying upon others is another. So often, momma’s are exhausted from carrying a watermelon in their stomachs for 9-months then delivering it through a garden hose. The birthing process is nothing short of miraculous!

Keeping your purpose and mission in mind requires healthy boundaries, which must be reinforced regularly. The people you invite into your world are critical to your success as a mom, wife, and parent. Choose wisely.

I Told You So.

I recently saw a news broadcast regarding the increasing lack of jobs available among young people this Summer. The nationally recognized journalist delivered a convincing narrative that more money should be immediately invested into the government sector in an effort to create more jobs for young people. At about this time, I began listening with the effectiveness of and adult reprisal of Charlie Brown.

Sadly, the journalist was likely focused upon reading through the teleprompter with precision rather than contemplating the brevity of the subject matter. How is it possible that we as people contend to advance in education, yet fail to enlist it in an effort to explore and ask the right questions? On the surface, it’s easy to discount the popularity or coolness factor for discussing jobs among young people, yet there is a real component here that far exceeds cause and effect.

How exactly are we as Fathers, Mothers, Guardians, and Concerned Citizens of the United States modeling appropriate behavior to young people, particularly in a down market? Sadly, we have generated such an entitlement attitude of arrogance, laziness, and selfishness that to undo this callous character trend would be invasive at the least. Young people all agree that their dreams are huge, even unrealistic, yet they own them and will generally find more accomplishment in “thinking about it” or “tweeting about it” rather than preparing for it and actually doing what it takes to accomplish it.

Fathers and Mothers have always been the appointed and preferred first line of defense and offense with regard to instilling and developing good character in their children. I’ve always said, “it takes a village to raise a man and woman of character”, and far too many young people have escaped invaluable life lessons, which are required for effective leadership.

Rather than wait around by passing up perceived “menial jobs” because they lack glamour or excessive salaries, we as a nation would much farther advance in character and prosperity if we would consider promoting ownership and creativity rather than borrowing money from foreign governments to finance ineffective social programs.

The economy, regardless of its ranking on the stock market, will always influence purchasing power, however hard work, creativity, and focus is not easily affected by such market conditions. What does the person who has no money think about? Money, of course. Years ago as a young teenager, I remember learning many of life’s domestic skills from my grandfather and grandmother. I learned early on how to be creative by knocking on doors and asking my neighbors if I could cut their grass, wash cars, wash windows, run errands, rake leaves, shovel snow, or do whatever I could to earn my own money with integrity.

We are certainly all responsible for ripping off the next generation by giving them everything they want and not requiring them to get up off their butts to work for it, plan for it, commit to it, serve many years in it, and excel in it. We are robbing the next generation of a fundamental truth that is required of a society based upon freedom: Hard work, Ownership, Sweat Equity, Sacrifice, Generosity, and Humility. My name is Egypt McKee, and I approve this message.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

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Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

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