Short People

Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster

It doesn’t matter where your journey takes you life, there’s sure to be an endless supply of people waiting to greet or ignore your very existence. Somehow, it’s as if life has a crude way of repeating the same old melodramas with each of our experiences, which radically impacts our character. Have you ever considered the daily stresses associated with simply being yourself? There must be a predictable routine that you’ve come to enjoy by now? Questions which were once undetected, now rank with the highest priority.

The days of wondering what to wear, what to eat, and who to spend time with are merely pathetic ventures that cannot possibly compare with the latest threats to cross our paths. Everywhere we look, there are magazines that lead us to believe there is a reason to care about celebrities and their failed relationships, or the latest gossip on your favorite musician. Somehow, all these things are merely a vapor in the parlor room of fog-induced reality, and are quickly vanishing before our eyes.

Squinting to see more clearly, yet rubbing our heads in disbelief rests the staunch reality that we are surrounded by short people everywhere. Rhetorical questions fill the air, such as, “Where did they all come from?” which is pointless because they’ve always been here. Logic wrestles in vain with our self-esteem to count the number of our adversaries, while the most violent of offender’s stares us in the face. Our long and distinguished history of finger pointing, excuses and jokes with friends seem to haunt us at the most inopportune times. Family, friends, media and failed relationships are no longer funny, yet we often find ourselves cast in a starring role as the peacemaker or peace-taker.Angry Man

At this point, mastering the essence of short people will likely become a skill that will assist us far along on the road of life. If you listen closely, you might hear the distinct sound of an assembly line of workers struggling to maintain self-control in the hearts of short people, yet their legends far outweigh their perceived stature. The effects of bogus propaganda, arrogance and a self-inflated ego are especially valuable to short people who make a living erupting in anger and rage as if a mobilized volcano. The short fuse in their mind is highly sensitive at best, while its connection to their mouths resembles a single-track rail system that is long overdue for repairs.

How can that subtle, calm, gentle person transform from a demeanor of kindness to demon-spawn in the blink of any eye? Maybe you know short people like this—maybe you are a short person? There is nothing quite like the experience of being caught in the middle of repeated verbal assaults that generally lead to hurt feelings, resentment, and hatred toward others. The arrogance of one man is merely an opportunity for another to demonstrate wisdom and understanding.

Proverbs 15:18, “A hothead starts fights; a cool-tempered person tries to stop them.” (NLT)

There will always be an endless supply of big-talkers, braggers, and hotheads in the world. It’s tragic that most people are forced to react to the intimidation of one short person with a big ego. As a master manipulator, short people thrive on exploiting others through the unspoken rule, “He who yells the loudest, must be the Right!” Later in this book, you’ll find a chapter I wrote entitled, “Can’t we all just get along?” where I raised several issues regarding our struggle to overcome barriers in relation to our cultural and ethnic differences.

It’s interesting how easily we jump on the bandwagon of perceived racial or political supremacy, yet we tend to be the first in line to spit out a long list of stereotypes about other cultures and ethnicities without a genuine understanding about them—he who speaks the loudest is not always right! Following a fool, regardless of who they are, is no excuse to live your life as if your only purpose in life is to treat anyone in sight as if they are responsible for pain and suffering you refuse to admit is buried in your past.

Life is short, and that has very little to do with your vertical stature, yet everything to do with the integrity of your heart. The absence of genuine peace will easily disintegrate anyone’s hope. What would it take for you to stand in truth today even if it meant standing alone?

Until next time, Be encouraged.

I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, integrity, and relationships. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.

Egypt McKee

Speaker | Mentor | Podcaster | TV Host

©2014-2023 Copyright, Out of Egypt Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Painted on Jeans.

Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster

It seems like yesterday that people everywhere said she was a cute bundle of joy. There just seems to be something special about baby girls that pull at the heartstrings of both a mother and father. Although bruised and exhausted after her stressful journey into this world, she is well known by her beautiful features which resemble heavenly serenity, yet her hidden joy is yet to be realized.

While young and inexperienced, she is a precious jewel with much to learn; yet life will prove to be the antidote to the thing that eludes her most. The early days of bumps and bruises appear to be insignificant, yet soon enough, they will prove to alter her decisions yet feel natural in the process. Fathers do well to protect their prized joy wrapped in pink while sporting barrettes and a tiny purse, whereas mothers claim host to having carried, birthed and nurtured this little girl—its daddy that really made the difference.

The day daddy left, was the same day the earth stopped rotating and all directions led into the ground. That girl is no longer a baby, and an absentee father has promoted the decisions she wrestles with in secret. Mommy did the best she could, and for whatever reason daddy left a hole larger than the Grand Canyon in her heart, family and future. Who needs a compass when you can look for treasure to replace the pain and suffering on your own?

Painted On JeansMany little girls today range in age from their teens to nineties, yet they are still looking for daddy to come home and put his arm around them, cry on their shoulder and say, “I’m sorry, love you and everything is going to be alright”, yet this reality will not be experienced by many.

Little girls are beautiful, simple yet extremely complex. The place where life begins is also the place where life extends. It’s never been enough to be a biological mother or father; little girls are highly impacted and shaped by their relationship and influence from their daddy.

The scales of life offer extreme alternatives to genuine love, purity and hope—while the love and affection of daddy offers encouragement, affirmation and stability; the absence of daddy offers rebellion, promiscuity and insanity. In a world that is obsessed with experiencing everything for the sake of selfish desires, young girls are easy prey to the assembly line of young men who are skilled at feeding their minds with words their hearts can barely comprehend. Respect never begins after your clothes come off.

Titus 2:4-5, “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to take care of their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.” (NLT)

So many women and young girls never had a daddy, and were left to navigate through life with a broken compass, often running from one broken relationship to another. Does painted-on jeans, blouses four sizes small and 3-inch heels make a woman? Can a woman without a relationship with her daddy honor others without desperate acts of affirmation?

Depending on your own abilities is exactly what got you into trouble in the first place. Right now all that really matters is a right perspective. Then and only then will you have the ability to make the appropriate choices that will lead you to respect yourself and others.

It doesn’t matter if you’re married, single, a student, or a widow; authentic hope will never be found in starving yourself behind closed doors, blaming men for your choices or giving away your body as sexual trade for the false hope of not being alone. It’s a new day, and new decisions need to be made. Let’s walk this mile together.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014-2015 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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It should come as no surprise that its much easier to think about success than to actually achieve it. Sadly, we rarely spend much time preparing for what it takes to not only achieve a goal, but to proceed beyond the goal.

The truth remains that too much success to soon will ultimately destroy anyone. Its my honor to share with you my video from when I was the guest speaker at Sunridge Community Church in Southern California (August 2014).

Until next time, Be encouraged.

I speak to thousands of young adults, men, and women annually on leadership, integrity, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.

Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | Podcaster

©2014-2023 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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What’s Up with That?

While running errands, I noticed a group of young adult men hanging around talking to one another. On the surface, there wasn’t anything distinguishing about them except for the fact that they were constantly trying to “one up” each other in a verbally dangerous game of teasing with “Yo Mama” jokes.

I wanted to find out quickly who the leader was, so I said, “What’s up fellas?”, and they quickly gave me a subtle head nod of greeting. I quickly cut to the chase and asked, “Which one of you would speak to your momma the way you’re describing her right now?” If there were ever a time to cue the crickets sound effects, it was now. You could hear a pin drop.

Surely, they must have thought, “Who is this guy?”, yet the looks on their collective faces seem to say, “Not me!” I went on to say, “You know, it’s yo momma that carried you in her belly for 9-months without quitting, she gave you love, changed your diapers, wiped your snotty little noses, fed you, and I think she deserves a lot more respect than you’re giving her and other mothers that you don’t even know.”

Then I looked at them all in their eyes and concluded, “Whoever the leader is in your group has the responsibility to do what’s right and influence others to do what’s right, unless that person doesn’t know what’s right. Considering that not one of these young men grew up with their father present in their homes, it would surprise no one that their outlet for affirmation is spent in tearing one other down.

LEADERSHIP without RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY is just another way of saying, “I choose to be lazy and mooch off the rest of the world, so I’m going to have my cake and eat it too!”

You are better than that, and you have a responsibility to your Creator, yourself, and others. Now let’s get to the dirty work of humbling ourselves and living our purpose in life. Share your comments below! Id’ love to hear from you.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Evangelist | Speaker | Author | TV Host

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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Three’s a Crowd

There’s nothing quite as annoying as trying to carry on a conversation with someone over the phone, and they repeatedly drop in and out of your conversation with a mystery third party. The more we seem to advance as people, the more dependent we become on multifunctional skills we neither developed nor have the capacity to master.

How did we ever make it in life back in the old days? Simple, we offered one another a mutual respect, our undivided attention, and we held a conversation as if the other person mattered. I encourage you to do the unthinkable today by turning off your cell phone for a single day, and learn to communicate with others the old fashion way—IN PERSON.


Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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In plain sight.

Far too often, parents of young adults in their 20’s tell me they’re losing trust in their relationships with their children to drugs, alcohol, lies, and deceit. Up unto this point, the combination of skills required for successful parenting would be surpassed by the all-elusive skill as an advisor, counselor, and listener.

On the other side of the argument, rests a twenty-something year old young adult feverishly testing the laws of the sum total of all they’ve learned in life. Unfortunately, there is no plan-B embedded within the idea that once you’re of age—you’re on your own.

In Plain SightLife is hard enough, even with minimal challenges. Everyone needs a mentor and someone to mentor in life. Sadly, most people have neither, and they wander in plain sight without an honorable person to listen, lean upon, or lift up. I want to encourage you to find a quiet place today and take an honest look at your life, and consider who you’d trust to invite into your life as a mentor, and also the person who needs you to be their mentor.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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I will be Guest Speaking in the Young Adults Ministry. Join us if you’re in the area.

Date: July 24, 2014
Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM
Event: Mount of Olives Church
Venue: Mount of Olives Church
(949) 837-7467
Location: 24772 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
United States of America
Public: Public

I will be Guest Speaking in the Young Adults Ministry. Join us if you’re in the area.

Date: July 17, 2014
Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM
Event: Mount of Olives Church
Venue: Mount of Olives Church
(949) 837-7467
Location: 24772 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
United States of America
Public: Public

Young World: You Did What?!?

Do you remember leaving your bedroom a cataclismic disaster, yet convincing everyone that it was acceptable? How about dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes all over the house, food in the sofa, lights on all night?

It’s interesting the expectations for hygiene you’ll expect others to conform to when your standards for the same bear judgement.

Being an example is best practiced when others around refuse to acknowledge your standards for excellence. Every choice you make in life determines the kind of person you are going to be. Choose wisely.