It’s All Good.

Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster


You don’t have to go very far to find words that express absolutely nothing. If there’s ever been a time in human history where words are joined together to cover up our unwillingness to appropriately face the truth of our choices, circumstances, and emotions: it’s now. In the end, it would be wise to consider that everything really isn’t all good.

I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

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Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014-2015 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster