New Season

Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster

One things for sure, if you breathe long enough, you’re going to experience change in life. Far too often, we fill the voids in our schedules with boredom and wasteful activities as we anticipate the perceived drudgery of the off season or future expectations.

For some students, Summer vacation just got started when they realized it’s now time to return for another year. For college graduates, the rigors of cramming for finals is traded in for the misery of seeking a job in a highly competitive marketplace. Yet for some parents, the seductive pressure to wonder what your preschooler will be like as a teen has caused many to miss the joy of parenting.

My family and I relocated to North Dallas, Texas just three days ago, and everything I once knew as routine, familiar, and comfortable seemed to be thrown right out the window. Emotionally, new things bring about a sense of excitement and anticipation for great possibilities, yet today I found myself mesmerized by a simple act.Change

While on my way to an early meeting, I noticed a woman dropping her child off to her babysitter, yet the child was calm up until the moment the mom handed her child to the babysitter. As I observed this transition, I noticed how the infant transitioned from calm and quiet into a a machine-like siren resembling a fire engine.

Instantaneously, I could see myself in a similar position whereby the comforts of what I’m most familiar and comfortable had to be vacated so that I could experience growth in a new territory. Nevertheless, my hope would be to do so without tears and crying.

In any case, a thought hit me, “Every season is the culmination of an off season of preparation.”  Maybe you’re feeling intimidated today because you are dealing with major life changes, or maybe you’re miserable because you were supposed to make a change in a toxic relationship that is destroying you, but refused to and are now suffering the consequences?

Whatever your situation, I trust you’ll make the right decision to prepare for what’s to come so that you may perform when it matters most in life.  Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.

Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster